Lives of Joy

Coming to Africa Annie and I expected devastation and poverty. We found abounding Joy.

When you think of Africa two things probably come to mind...wild animals and pot bellied children with flies around their eyes. As Annie and I began dreaming of following God's heart to Africa we could not have imagined the impact the natives would make on us. Most visitors to Africa long to help people with their poverty. Yes, money would ease some of the problems, but natives do not focus on what they do not have. They choose to focus on what they do have, relationships. Relationships are the life of the African heart. Even simple conversations begin by establishing the most important things: How are you? How is your family? How is life and health? Focusing on what really matters fills their lives with a unrestrainable joy that we are finding contagious.

Gamecock Fans!!!

Days of 85,000 football fans erupting with joy over a huge victory, painting up for games, ESPN highlights, and tail gating are easy to remember when the African Gamecocks fill the streets. They may not know that they are an inspiration to thousands in South Carolina, but they know how to strut their stuff in Uganda.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I really hope you guys are doing well, and judging by your blog, you are! I'm so glad. I continue to keep you in my prayers, and i look forward to reading more soon!

    love you!

    Anonymous said...
    Brad and Annie,

    I have enjoyed reading about your Journey and will be passing the "Gamecock" blog over to Vince. He will love it!

    We heard about your termite story and I have to say that those critters would have me packing my bags!

    Bless you,

    Sallie Hickam
    Unknown said...
    I'm so jealous of you two (in the most holy way possible of course!!!) I'm glad to hear things are going well. Praying for you often. Much love.

    Anonymous said...
    Brad and Annie
    Love reading about all your adventures. Keep them coming...This is such a great experience that you will remember forever. Be sure to take lots of pictures. I know you will be glad to see your parents next week - they are so excited to visit you. Ware and I are going on the same mission trip Bryan went on last November to Limiru, Kenya this July. AB Puckett's (Bryan's friend from Furman) family has established the foundation at Limiru Children's Center that I mentioned to you. AB is actually coming to Uganda in a couple of weeks and plans to look you up. I gave him this blog - has he contacted you yet?
    Linda Mitchell

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