Kindergarten's Chapel
Published by Annie Brown on Friday, March 23, 2007 at 10:21 AMEvery Friday at Heritage, the elementary school (Jr. K- grade 6) has Chapel together, and each week, a different class is in charge of it. Last week was our turn! Chapel usually consists of singing some children's praise songs, maybe classes sharing their memory verse for the week, and a Biblical skit of some sort performed by the grade in charge. As you can imagine, my class voted unanimously on performing the story of Jonah. So we began putting in long, hard hours practicing our skit. As I was thinking about and preparing for the upcoming Chapel, I felt like something was missing. Chapel was getting a bit drab. It was the excitement that comes with learning about Jesus that was missing. Brad and I decided to mix things up a little bit... Young Life style! We decided to have the students play a game before anything else started in order to bring their focus and attention up front for the message. But how can you play a game without having crazy game show hosts?! And what clever names can you go by when the majority of your audience is under 12 and from countries all over the world. We needed something everyone would understand... So we both entered on a child's bicycle as "Boda and Boda". (Note: A boda boda is a motorcycle taxi here in Uganda. The drivers are known for being a little crazy and unlogical.) Everyone erupted with laughter! We actually created such a ruckus that other teachers came just to see what the commotion was. It was awesome! We proceeded to sing some of the children's favorite songs (including God is Bigger than the Boogy Man and Praise Ye the Lord). Lastly, my students performed their masterpiece as they brought the story of Jonah to life. As I read from a book, they acted out their parts- becoming the bad people of Nineveh with evil laughs, the shipmates tossing boxes into the sea, the whale eating up Jonah, and of course, Jonah (played by one of the most shy students in my class)! It was amazing! I truly wish you could have been there to see! My class is so precious and is such a blessing!
Here are just a few pictures from that morning- one is just of the class making funny the faces. The other was actually taken during our skit. You can see the people of Nineveh on the left, the shipmates on the right, and Jonah praying while in the belly of the fish!

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