Three of our Favorite Things

Daily we are able to see a Africa from a new perspective. Sunday we had the chance to go with one of our new Ugandan friends, Nelson, to his church. Nelson lives with his nine children in a home that is made of mud bricks and surrounded by banana trees. When you walk down the dirt road to his home you notice two things. First, a hole the size of a VolksWagon Beetle that they throw all of their compost in, and the second is a long bamboo hut.

The rhythm and dancing reverberated from inside the bamboo hut as we stepped into his church. This week, Nelson and his wife Lucy lead a ten day revival, and Annie and I were blessed to join. Dancing is a huge part of worship in Uganda. They do not just sing praise to God, but they dance. For two hours we danced and prayed before Nelson gave his sermon. I was able to give my testimony, and Annie was asked to spend time teaching the children.

There are three big things to love about Uganda.
The first...there are no enforced speed limits. Driving is absolutely crazy, and it is awesome. We have become pro's at driving on the left side of the road with a left handed stick shift. The dirt roads have pot hole that literally swallow some trucks. Every rainy day becomes a great opportunity to throw the car into 4 wheel drive and have some fun. Old Land Cruisers and Land Rovers are popular here because they have the power to handle the roads. Recently, Annie and I have hired motorcycle taxis, called boda bodas, to take us around town.
The second...Coke is IT!!! Everyone here drinks coke products. Sure, if you look hard enough you can find a Pepsi, but we don't go into those kind of places. If you have ever been to Atlanta and gone through the coke museum you have had the chance to try the different flavors of Coke, tailored for the individual countries. In Uganda, Coke taste different, but Sprite has quickly become a big favorite off ours.
The can never be late. Ugandan time is free and relaxed. There is not need to stress if you have a meeting at 1:00 and the group does not totally show until 1:53. As long as they make the meeting within the hour there is no reason to fret. This is a reason that some churches sing and dance for two hours before beginning.


  1. Daryl Stephens said...
    Really interesting! I remember a couple of colleagues of mine talking about their year in Cameroon working at a university there and being told about "BMT" which stood for "Black Man's Time." Same idea as what you were saying -- if you say you're coming to visit someone at 8:00, then 9:30 is close enough.
    carol trahan said...
    I am so proud of both of you to give your first year with each other to sprsad the word of Christ. Becoming a Christian 5 years ago was the best thing that happened to me. I will be praying for both of you every day and know that Paul and Betty are so proud. To take this first year of your marriage and be involved in spreading the Gospel is awesome. I am proud to know you and to understand what you are doing.
    Johnny T said...
    That first picture is great, but I had a little trouble picking out which one was annie.

    keep up the good work.
    Johnny T said...
    Good to hear from you guys, glad things are going well, you are in our prayers
    Unknown said...
    Brad and Annie,

    Yay!! Now I can keep up with what's going on with you guys. Sorry I never got in touch with you before you left. But I love you and am praying for you.

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